Trigger Warning: talks about sexual abuse and addiction.
Hello! My name is Reanie and I’m going to be taking over Safehope's blog for the next little while.
In my blog posts you will find: poems, songs and quotes that have all been written by me, along with Christian content and bits and pieces of my story as well as my day to day life at safehope.
What brought me to SafeHope?
Well I think it’s a contribution of many things, being an HT survivor is just my qualification. For the longest time I couldn’t even imagine myself going into a long term treatment program such as safehopehome. I probably would have laughed at anyone who even suggested the idea of a live-in treatment program to me because I didn’t think that I needed such intensive care, let alone any. And well, Clearly I was mistaken.
Growing up I had to be very independent. My dad was always working, my mom had seizures and they both had a serious drinking problem. It was really hard for my parents to care for me and my siblings the way we needed them to. Due to my parents negligence I ended up being sexually abused at a young age by a family friend and it went on for years without anyone knowing. I know now that this trauma of mine is what opened the doors of what led me on my journey to safehopehomes. In my personal experience, due to going through sexual trauma at a young age, not dealing with it and having little to no support from my parents I became the perfect candidate to be taken advantage of by grown adults, both men and women. I learned from a young age that there are many sick people in this world and that this type of “sickness” does not discriminate. I think that was the hardest pill for me to swallow… well, maybe not. Cause then of course there’s the addiction piece too. Addiction controlled my life long before drugs did. Addiction is a disease, it comes in many different forms and it looks different for everyone. I can’t even remember what my first addiction was to be honest, but I’ve had many in my life. My addiction to drugs is what ruined me though. Drugs took everything I ever had away from me; Friendships, my dog, my family, my home, my faith, my dignity, my sanity, my freedom and they would’ve took my life if I didn’t end up in custody. The list of things I’ve lost could go on and on. Now a days, I’m almost 8 months clean from all mind altering substances and I haven’t vaped since December of last year. I never thought that I’d be able to say this, but I’m proud of myself, truly. I’ve come a long way from where I started. But I couldn’t have done it alone. SafeHope has given me everything I need and so much more to ensure that I stay clean and safe. For the first time in a long time, I can say that I am actually happy without being under any sort of influence.
But anyways I’ll end this introductory blog here. I hope you guys have enjoyed and be sure to stick around if you want to see more of my content.
God Bless all of you reading, peace out!