Hello everyone, It’s Reanie here with another blog!
Today I’m going to be sharing a poem that I wrote about my Mom while I was incarcerated, however I changed a few things up! I hope everyone enjoys :) Trigger warning: talks about drugs and alcohol.

My Mother
Alcohol is addicted to my mother.
I’d like to think of it that way.
Rather than having to say,
That it’s my fault she became this way.
She craves it like my lungs crave air,
It’s almost like she doesn’t care.
Alcohol loves her O’ so much,
More than I’ll ever love her touch.
More than she will ever love me,
I miss those days when I’d call her “mommy.”
Both addicts but not the same,
I did drugs and went insane.
Mom drinks to deal with all her emotions,
Same addiction we just have different potions.
Her smile use to light up a room,
The same way a single flame could bring a forest to it’s knees,
I guess that’s what my dad still see’s.
My father loves her the way a fish loves a worm, But once you bite the bait there is no letting go until you are returned.
Her eyes shinned with the brightness of an atomic bomb, he thought that she could do no wrong. They could’ve been the perfect pair, if only alcohol were never there.
This poem was written for an assignment that my teacher had me do in custody. I really did not want to write this poem because poetry can be pretty complex and things tend to get deep quickly. I was trying to come up with every excuse not to do it and at one point I even wrote the most horrible piece of writing I think I’ve ever written in my life. Eventually I came around though. I wrote this poem because I was having a really hard time with my mom and her alcoholism. I didn’t understand to much about the disease of addiction back then and I really believed that she was choosing alcohol over me. I wore a stone mask in front of people, but honestly watching my mom go through addiction broke me. Things got so bad I decided to go no contact with her for my own well being and that was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Now a days we’re speaking again, although she still drinks I love my mom a lot and I know that she loves me. I know she can’t just turn her addiction off, I couldn’t and I still can’t. My hope is that one day she’ll find her way to an AA meeting and that same day I hope that she’ll decide to stay sober.
Anyways that’s all for today! I hope everybody has had an amazing week and may God bless you! Byeee :P